Partners and Collaborators

The group collaborates intensively with several groups on campus, as well as elsewhere. On campus, we are part of the NSF-funded Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) as well as the DOE-funded Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC). Some of the recent experimental collaborators on campus include the groups of Basov, Dean, Uemura (in Physics), Hone, Schuck (Mech E), Barmak (APAM), Lipson (EE), Nuckolls, Owen, Roy, Zhu (Chemistry). We also collaborate with the theory group of Millis and the data science group of Wright (EE). 

Outside campus, we receive samples and materials from a number of groups across the world. We collaborate with several groups at City College including Krusin-Elbaum, Meriles, Tamargo and Menon. We have a strong theory collaboration with the groups of Angel Rubio at Hamburg and the Flatiron institute and the group of Rafael Fernandes at Minnesota.